Guidelines for writing a thesis/dissertation (Also: knows as final year projects)
Step by step guidelines to develop a final year dissertation
Doctoral dissertation or thesis paper is regarded as a crowning achievement in final year program for University Students. Understanding the stages and sequence of thesis is significant for the students to reduce the anxiety they take while writing dissertation.
Getting started
Usually, research begins with a particular issue, question, or problem statement. Think about the topic and relevant theories of interested areas (Kim & LaBianca, 2018).
Introduce the topic
After you have become well-informed about the topic, define the significance and purpose of study in the introduction chapter. This section also include original contribution to body under certain discipline (Christmals & Gross, 2017)
Review the literature
Main purpose of research study suggests a theoretical framework that is to be analyzed further within this section. Several theories or models can also be added relevant to the knowledge area. Such determination will leads to hypotheses or research questions.
Description of methodology
Present chapter will describe and justify the method of collecting data. Even though the section varies corresponding to the chosen analysis technique and method, following areas can be addressed typically.
- Research design
- Validity
- Pre-test
- Reliability of instruments
- Coding the data
- Description of analyzing data
Data findings
The findings chapter addresses outcomes from data analysis and does not include discussion of other literature or implications. Usually, students can initiate this passage with /confirmatory analyses, factor analyses, or reliability tests. In the case of conducting interviews or focus group studies, a brief description of the demographic research should be added here. Adding tables, figures, illustrations, and charts gives a special value to this section.
- Students will discuss the findings obtained from the collection of data, rather than only reiterating the previous chapter (Şalvarlı & Griffiths, 2019).
- Students generally skimp on this part, still it is an important division, as it answers “So what?” type questions.
- The findings would be related to the theoretical framework displayed in the second chapter.
- This part will also address the meaning of communication professionals in the examined field (Ebadi et al. 2019).
In the final conclusion chapter, scope of the upcoming research and gap of this thesis project would be added.
Paper submission
Students need to edit this thesis paper with assistance of committee members or professors. Posterior to proofreading and grammar checking, macro editingsystem can be used to assess overall structure of thesis.
Key points to follow
Key points for preparing thesis are as follows.
- Prepare the title properly
- Define aims and objectives of dissertation
- Review the literature and theoretical framework
- Decide the techniques and methods
- Explore the result by collecting data
- Analyze and describe the outcome
- Include own opinions as conclusion
- Note down the bibliography and relevant works cited
- Proofread and edit finally for submission (Çetinkaya&Yılmaz, 2017)
A strong thesis statement has great importance in stating main idea of writing dissertation. Students should have decisive control over propagating ideas within paper. It is also necessary to reflect the judgment and opinions into the writing. Good practice is needed to put into thesis within the entire body that directly incorporates existing knowledge and sufficiently attach a broader scope.